Monday, 3 September 2012

Only the best.... Gets deleted

Hard to believe but I somehow managed to delete my all time number one cover 'Feel' by Robbie Williams. I was using the Yamaha Audio Recorder apps and swiped a line meaning to go down and it deleted my track. Serious flaw in the software not sure I will use again with a log in to SoundCloud. Just too risky.  Managed to find the original recording on my iPod and uploaded. Then joined two additional groups and posted the song there again and also tweeted the new link.
Anyway long and short is it is still number 1..

1 comment:

  1. I posted a warning on the App store about the ease a value track can get deleted by mistake causing much grief and tears. Secret when using the app is not to be connected to Soundcloud at all except when doing an upload of. A rack and then disconnecting immediately .
